Session 0 :: Introduction
by daniel-hromada

Session 0 :: Introduction

Hello world, formalities, recommended literature, means of communication etc.


who am I

who are You

is this a course for You ?

credits (2 ECTS for >75% attendance, +1 for referat/Congress contribution, +2 Hausarbeit)


signature-related issues

Feedback box


Recommended literature

You are cordially invited to read one or more of these book(s):

Howard Gardner :: Frames of Mind / The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

David Goleman :: Emotional Intelligence : Why it can matter more than IQ

Singer et al. :: A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks

Murray & Herrnstein :: The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (Achtung! Controversy)

Nick Bostrom :: Superintelligenz

Carlo M. Cipolla: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Referat(s) welcome, Hausarbeit (5 SWS) possible. Note: Lecture of one of these books is mandatory for all those whose attendance will be between 1/2 and 2/3.

Matrix room

All those who have a UdK account, log in here *:
and subsequently join the course (#edu-intelligence) room:

(or install matrix client apps like Element or Fluffychat and put "" as homeserver)

Course materials

All course materials (folios, exercises, handouts) presented during live sessions are archived at

Note: baumhaus presentations in different sessions are synchronized with my actions, i.e. when I change a folio in my browser, it will automagically change a folio in Your browser as well, click on "Session 2" and experience it for Yourself

Other referat || intervention topics

Greek muses

fostering of intelligence

evaluation of intelligence

Flynn effect


Let me know if You would like to host Your AI-related project at sub-domain * (e.g. , etc.)